Auditions, Out of Sight, Out of Murder

Out of Sight, Out of Murder

A Mystery Comedy by Fred Carmichael

Directed by Lee Powell and Judi Bastable



Peter Knight is grinding out a murder story in an old mansion where another author was murdered years before. A weird electrical storm effects a cosmic snafu, and his characters come to life. There’s the lovely ingenue, the trusty butler, a feisty character woman, a dauntless hero, a fascinating “other woman,” the always pregnant serving girl, and the wily lawyer waiting for midnight to read the will. Peter loses control of his characters and there is a murder; the intended victim is Peter. Other murders follow and the culprit is among characters who, having also worked for other authors, know a great deal about the subject. Can Peter find the killer before the killer gets his author? Is romance with the ingenue leading anywhere? Where is the fortune mentioned in the will? All is solved ingeniously with romance, suspense and cosmic wit.


Roles being cast

Peter – the author – 30-40+-ish. May be a bit of a “bookish” nerd.

Minna – the housekeeper – hefty, strong lady used to working on the farm – Vermont accent – fun loving, but sensible – age 40-60.

Lydia – the character lady – combination of Auntie Mame and Lauren Bacall – attractive, well-dressed and groomed – caustic, but with a good sense of humor – age 40-60.

Cogburn – the butler – very proper, dry and droll, but can let loose at surprising moments – age 50-60.

Kay – the sweet ingénue – trusting, ingenuous, but getting tired of her lot – age 30-40-ish.

Fiona – another character lady – negative, know-it-all spinster – hair pulled back, matronly appearance – constantly sparring with Lydia – age 50-60-ish.

Addie – the pregnant maid – vulnerable, emotional wreck – requires a cockney accent to start, but later drops accent – age 20-30-ish.

Jordan – sleazy, successful (although not entirely by legitimate means) lawyer – well-dressed and groomed (slicked back hair) – age 50-60+ish.

Dick – the hero – combination of Dudley Do-Right and Prince Edward (Enchanted) – very pure, very simple-minded and naive, but innocently narcissistic – age 30- 40ish


Audition dates & Location

Sunday, February 2nd and Wednesday, February 5th from 7pm – 10pm.

Constance and Buckham’s Bay Community Centre, 262 Len Purcell Drive, Constance Bay

Tentative Rehearsal Schedule

Sunday and Wednesday evening from 7-10pm from February 9th to mid-late May at the Constance and Buckham’s Bay Community Centre, 262 Len Purcell Drive, Constance Bay.


Show Dates

Still TBD. Will be in mid to late May.


Register for your audition here



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