Spring 2005 – Council Chamber Capers

The Rural Root Theatre Company (RRTC) began life in 2005, when a few people in West Carleton decided to find out whether there would be support in the community for a drama group. They were also keen to see whether the Kinburn Client Service Centre, a beautiful building originally constructed as the West Carleton township offices, could be put to good use as a venue for theatrical productions.
In fact, there was a good deal of enthusiasm for the idea, and the first production – Council Chamber Capers – was set for May 5-7, 2005. A mixture of dance, music, visual art and theatre was offered, including two one-act plays and a monologue.

Dinner for One

Directed and acted by Al and Glenda Jones.
A short sketch involving an elderly upper-class lady and her butler. In her annual dinner party given for absent friends (long dead) the old lady has her butler play the part of each guest, which includes his tucking into the food and the alcoholic beverages set for each one in “the same procedure as last year”. By the end of the evening the butler is very much the worse for wear, but says he’ll do his best when the old lady retires to bed and expects “the same procedure as last year”.

The Madness of Moose and Mosquitoes

Written and directed by RRTC’s own Helen Weeden.
Starring: Valerie Jorgensen, James Manship and Andrew Tait is a light-hearted look at one couple’s 900 mile trip across the Canadian Shield, from Kenora to Sudbury, with its attendant difficulties.

To Bear or Not to Bear. . . That is Not the Question

Written and directed by Helen Weeden.
Starring Susan Porter McEwen as a harried young mother living in Churchill, Manitoba. She muses aloud while sewing a Hallowe’en costume for her young son.

The West Carleton School of Performing Arts

Under the direction of Melissa Demers, presented dance excerpts from its end-of-year show, a re-creation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream with mischievous fairies, quarrelling lovers and a captivating plot.

Al and Glenda Jones come from Almonte and gained acting and backstage experience with the Valley Players of Almonte and the Sage Age Theatre Group
Helen Weeden has had extensive theatre experience with Kanata Theatre, Lakeside Players and GOYA Theatre, and after completing a scriptwriting program has written for radio, television and stage.
Susan Porter McEwen (To Bear or Not to Bear) has little experience on stage but is excited to be part of the first RRTC production.
Melissa Demers has been involved in the performing arts for over 20 years and is currently Director and Head Instructor of the West Carleton School of Performing Arts.
Valerie Jorgensen has 15 years’ experience as an actor, director and choreographer, as well as credits in film, television, commercials and radio.
James Manship comes from a family of CBC announcers and trained at Toronto’s National Institute of Broadcasting.
Andrew Tait has had experience with Kanata Theatre and the Prior Players, and has performed with the Improv Team of the West Carleton Secondary School.
 dinner4one dancers
Dinner for One WCSOPA
younger_members moose
Young Performers Moose & Mosquitos
cast preps
Cast of Moose and Bear “Getting Ready”
moose_mosquitos music_duo
Moose & Mosquitos Musical Duo